What is NuxtJS?

Nuxt.js is a free and open-source framework built on top of Vue.js that simplifies building web applications. It’s designed to be intuitive and efficient, allowing you to create performant and production-ready web experiences.

Key Features

Here are some key features of Nuxt.js:

  • Server-side rendering (SSR): Nuxt.js can pre-render your application on the server, which improves SEO and initial load times.
  • Static site generation (SSG): You can also use Nuxt.js to generate static HTML files, which is ideal for content-heavy websites.
  • Single-page applications (SPAs): Nuxt.js can be used to create SPAs, which provide a more dynamic and interactive user experience.
  • Built-in features: Nuxt.js provides a variety of built-in features to make development easier, such as routing, data fetching, state management, and error handling.

Overall, Nuxt.js is a powerful framework that can be used to build a wide variety of web applications. If you’re familiar with Vue.js and want to take your development to the next level, Nuxt.js is a great option to consider.

Here are some resources to learn more about Nuxt.js:

What is VueJS

Vue.js (pronounced like “view”) is a free and open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It’s known for being:

  • Approachable: Vue.js is built on standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it familiar to those with web development experience. It also has a well-regarded documentation and a helpful community.
  • Performant: Vue.js uses a reactive system to efficiently update the UI when the underlying data changes. This means your applications will run smoothly.
  • Versatile: Vue.js can be used in a variety of ways, from small enhancements to static HTML pages to full-fledged single-page applications (SPAs). You can choose the approach that best suits your project.

Here are some key concepts in Vue.js:

  • Components: Vue.js encourages building applications as modular components. These components encapsulate data and functionality, making your code more organized and reusable.
  • Templates: Vue uses HTML-like templates to define the structure of your UI. These templates can include dynamic data binding using Mustache syntax.
  • Reactivity: Vue.js is all about reactivity. When the data in your application changes, Vue automatically updates the UI to reflect those changes. This makes it easier to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

Overall, Vue.js is a powerful and flexible framework that can be used to build a wide variety of web applications. If you’re looking for a framework that is easy to learn, performant, and versatile, Vue.js is a great option to consider.

Here are some resources to learn more about Vue.js:

Learning both

While it’s not strictly mandatory, having a solid understanding of Vue.js before diving into Nuxt.js is highly recommended for a smoother learning experience. Here’s why:

  • Foundation: Nuxt.js builds on top of Vue.js, inheriting its core concepts and functionalities. By grasping Vue’s core ideas like components, templates, and reactivity, you’ll have a strong foundation for understanding how Nuxt.js leverages them.
  • Efficiency: Familiarity with Vue.js will allow you to grasp Nuxt.js features like routing, data fetching, and state management more efficiently. You’ll spend less time learning the underlying Vue concepts and more time focusing on how Nuxt.js streamlines development.
  • Troubleshooting: If you encounter issues while working with Nuxt.js, having a Vue.js background will equip you to better understand where the problem might lie. You can isolate if it’s a core Vue issue or something specific to Nuxt’s implementation.

However, there are resources that attempt to teach Nuxt.js without requiring prior Vue.js knowledge. These might work if you’re absolutely new to web development frameworks altogether. But keep in mind, there might be a steeper learning curve as you’ll be introduced to both Vue and Nuxt concepts simultaneously.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Recommended: Learn Vue.js first. This will give you a solid foundation for Nuxt.js and make the learning process smoother.
  • Alternative: If you’re new to frameworks entirely, some resources might introduce Nuxt.js without requiring Vue knowledge upfront. Be prepared for a steeper learning curve.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your learning style and background. But in most cases, investing time in Vue.js first will pay off in the long run when you move on to Nuxt.js.

Vercel Support

Vercel’s support for Nuxt.js differs from its support for Next.js due to the underlying frameworks and Vercel’s own creation of Next.js. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Stronger Integration: Being Vercel’s own creation, Next.js has deeper integration with Vercel’s platform. This translates to features and optimizations specifically tailored for Next.js projects deployed on Vercel.
  • Optimized Workflow: Vercel offers a streamlined workflow for Next.js development, including features like serverless functions, automatic builds and deployments, and environment variables.


  • General Support: Vercel provides general hosting and deployment support for Nuxt.js applications. This means Nuxt.js will function on Vercel, but some of the deeper optimizations and features available for Next.js might not be applicable.
  • Third-Party Framework: Since Nuxt.js is a separate framework from React (Next.js’s base), Vercel’s built-in support might be less comprehensive compared to Next.js.

In essence:

  • Vercel + Next.js: Perfect combination for streamlined development and deployment experience.
  • Vercel + Nuxt.js: Solid option for deploying Nuxt.js apps, but without the same level of integration and optimization as Next.js.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Community Support: Both Next.js and Nuxt.js have active communities. You’ll find plenty of resources and help for either framework.
  • Project Requirements: If your project specifically requires features or optimizations offered by Vercel for Next.js, then Next.js might be a better fit. But if you prefer Vue.js (Nuxt’s base) and general deployment functionality is sufficient, Nuxt.js on Vercel can work well.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider the framework that best suits your project (Vue.js vs React) and weigh the advantages of Vercel’s deeper integration with Next.js.

Learn also about Svelte before selecting Nuxt for your next project.