
Here is an explanation of object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm and principles, its advantages and disadvantages, and 3 top languages that are considered pure OOP:

OOP Principles

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that focuses on creating objects, which are self-contained entities that combine data (attributes) and behavior (methods). OOP principles are:

  • Encapsulation: Bundling data and methods together within an object, protecting internal data from unauthorized access.
  • Inheritance: Creating new classes (subclasses) based on existing classes (superclasses), inheriting their attributes and methods.
  • Polymorphism: Defining methods with the same name but different implementations in subclasses, allowing for flexible behavior.
  • Abstraction: Focusing on the essential aspects of an object, hiding complex internal details from the user.

Advantages of OOP

  • Modularization: Breaking down complex programs into smaller, manageable units (objects).
  • Reusability: Code written for one object can be reused in other objects through inheritance.
  • Maintainability: Easier to modify and update code due to encapsulation and clear object boundaries.
  • Scalability: OOP programs can be easily extended by adding new objects and classes.

Disadvantages of OOP

  • Complexity: Can be more complex to design and understand compared to procedural programming.
  • Overhead: Creating and managing objects can add overhead, especially for small programs.
  • Steeper learning curve: Requires understanding of object-oriented concepts, which can be challenging for beginners.

Top 3 Pure OOP Languages

  1. Smalltalk: Considered the purest OOP language, with everything built around objects and messages.
  2. Eiffel: Designed specifically for OOP principles, with strong emphasis on correctness and reliability.
  3. Clojure: A functional programming language with strong OOP features, offering a unique blend of paradigms.

There are other languages out there that can use object oriented programming but are not so pure. For example Java and C++. In this article we will talk about Julia.

Julia’s Approach to OOP

While Julia is not a traditional OOP language, it supports key OOP principles in alternative ways:

1. Encapsulation:

  • Achieved through structs (similar to classes) that encapsulate data.
  • Julia doesn’t enforce strict private access modifiers, but conventions and documentation encourage respecting data hiding.

2. Inheritance:

  • Not supported for concrete types (structs with fields) due to performance and type stability concerns.
  • Inheritance-like behavior is achieved through abstract types and traits.

3. Polymorphism:

  • Implemented through multiple dispatch, a powerful mechanism that selects the appropriate function version based on the types of all arguments, not just the object’s type.
  • This enables flexible behavior adaptation without traditional OOP inheritance.

4. Abstraction:

  • Achieved through type hierarchies and interfaces defined by abstract types and traits.
  • They specify expected behaviors without defining concrete implementations, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Simulating OOP in Julia

  1. Struct-Based Objects:

    • Create structs to model objects with data fields.
    • Define separate functions to operate on struct instances, resembling methods.
  2. Multiple Dispatch for Polymorphism:

    • Define multiple versions of functions for different argument types, achieving polymorphic behavior.
  3. Type Hierarchies with Abstract Types and Traits:

    • Construct type hierarchies using abstract types as “interfaces.”
    • Use traits to group related behaviors and share them across types without inheritance.

Key Point:

  • Julia’s approach prioritizes performance, type stability, and flexible code organization over strict adherence to traditional OOP structures.
  • It offers a unique blend of paradigms, effectively supporting OOP principles while emphasizing multiple dispatch and type systems for expressive and efficient code.

What is a Struct?

  • A struct (short for structure) is a composite data type that allows you to group multiple related values together under a single name.
  • It acts as a blueprint for creating objects with specific fields (also called members or attributes) to hold data of various types.
  • It’s similar to classes in OOP, but without methods directly attached to them.

Primary Function:

  • Organizing Data: Structs provide a way to structure and organize data in a meaningful way, making code more readable and maintainable.
  • Creating Custom Data Types: You can define custom data types to model real-world entities or concepts, tailored to your specific needs.

Example in Julia:

struct Person

# Create an instance of the Person struct
person1 = Person("Alice", 30, "123 Main St")

# Access individual fields
println("Name:", person1.name)
println("Age:", person1.age)
println("Address:", person1.address)


  1. Defining the Struct:

    • struct Person creates a new struct type named Person.
    • name::String, age::Int, and address::String define the fields with their expected data types.
  2. Creating an Instance:

    • person1 = Person("Alice", 30, "123 Main St") creates an instance of the Person struct, assigning values to its fields.
  3. Accessing Fields:

    • person1.name, person1.age, and person1.address access the individual fields of the struct instance.


  • Structs are immutable by default, meaning their fields cannot be changed after creation. This ensures data consistency and enhances performance.
  • To make a struct mutable, use the mutable struct keyword.
  • Structs can be nested, creating complex data structures to model intricate relationships.
  • They are fundamental for organizing data in Julia, enabling code clarity and flexibility.

Recursive Structs

  • A recursive struct is a struct that includes a field of its own type, allowing for the creation of self-referential data structures.
  • This enables modeling hierarchical or tree-like structures where elements can have children of the same type.


struct TreeNode
    left::Union{TreeNode, Nothing}
    right::Union{TreeNode, Nothing}

Key Points:

  • The TreeNode struct has three fields:
    • value: Stores the integer value at the node.
    • left: Holds a reference to the left child node, which can be either another TreeNode or Nothing if there’s no left child.
    • right: Holds a reference to the right child node, similarly using Union{TreeNode, Nothing}.

Creating a Simple Tree:

root = TreeNode(10)
root.left = TreeNode(5)
root.right = TreeNode(15)

Accessing Node Values:

println(root.value)   # Output: 10
println(root.left.value)  # Output: 5


  • Modeling tree-like structures (e.g., file systems, family trees, decision trees)
  • Creating linked lists
  • Representing graphs
  • Implementing recursive algorithms that operate on self-similar data


  • Handle recursive structures carefully to avoid infinite loops or excessive memory usage.
  • Consider using functions that operate recursively on these structures to simplify code and manage complexity effectively.

Dot Notation

Julia does not use dot notation to access methods directly.** While it might resemble object-oriented syntax, the usage and semantics are different. Here’s how Julia approaches method calls:

1. Functions as Methods:

  • Methods are essentially functions that are designed to operate on specific data types, including structs.
  • They are not tied to struct definitions like traditional OOP methods.
  • You call them like regular functions, passing the struct instance as an argument.

2. Multiple Dispatch:

  • Julia’s powerful multiple dispatch system selects the appropriate method version based on the types of all arguments, not just the object’s type.
  • This enables flexible behavior adaptation without traditional inheritance.


struct Point

# Function acting as a method for Point instances
function distance_to_origin(p::Point)
    return sqrt(p.x^2 + p.y^2)

p1 = Point(3, 4)
distance = distance_to_origin(p1)  # Call the method like a function
println("Distance:", distance)

Key Points:

  • Dot notation is primarily used in Julia for:
    • Accessing struct fields (e.g., p1.x)
    • Calling certain built-in functions on objects (e.g., length(p1) to get the number of fields)
  • It’s not used for direct method calls like in OOP languages.
  • Julia’s approach emphasizes functions and multiple dispatch for flexible and performant code organization.

Think of Julia functions as tools in a toolbox:

  • Each tool (function) is designed for specific tasks (operating on specific data types).
  • You select the right tool (function) based on the job at hand (the types of arguments).
  • Multiple dispatch is like having multiple versions of a tool, each fine-tuned for different materials (data types).
  • This flexibility allows for efficient and adaptable code without the overhead of traditional OOP structures.

Object Structures

While Julia doesn’t have traditional classes and objects, it simulates object-oriented behavior effectively using structs and functions:

1. Defining the Struct:

  • Create a struct to represent the object’s data fields:
struct Person

2. Defining Functions as Methods:

  • Define functions outside the struct to act as methods, operating on struct instances:
function greet(person::Person)
    println("Hello, my name is $(person.name)!")

function age_up(person::Person)
    person.age += 1

3. Creating and Using the Object:

  • Create an instance o Inheritance in Julia: Key Concepts and Alternatives

While Julia doesn’t support traditional inheritance for concrete types (structs with fields), it offers mechanisms to achieve inheritance-like behavior:

1. Abstract Types as Interfaces:

  • Define abstract types to act as blueprints, specifying expected methods without concrete implementations.
  • Concrete types can subtype abstract types, ensuring they provide required methods.


abstract type Shape end

function area(shape::Shape)
    error("Abstract method area not implemented for $(typeof(shape))")

struct Rectangle <: Shape

function area(rectangle::Rectangle)
    return rectangle.width * rectangle.height

struct Circle <: Shape

function area(circle::Circle)
    return pi * circle.radius^2

2. Traits for Shared Behavior:

  • Traits are collections of methods that can be mixed into types without traditional inheritance.
  • This enables sharing behavior across unrelated types without creating a strict hierarchy.


trait Printable
    function print(obj::Printable)
        println("Printable object: $(obj)")

struct Person

Base.extend(Person, Printable)  # Mix the Printable trait into Person

person1 = Person("Alice", 30)
print(person1)  # Output: Printable object: Person("Alice", 30)


  • Julia’s approach prioritizes performance, type stability, and flexible code organization over strict inheritance hierarchies.
  • Abstract types and traits provide effective ways to create type hierarchies and share behavior without the overhead of traditional inheritance.
  • Multiple dispatch often complements these mechanisms, enabling flexible behavior adaptation based on argument types.
  • Understanding these alternatives is crucial for designing well-structured and performant code in Julia. f the struct:
person1 = Person("Bob", 35)
  • Use functions like methods on the instance:
greet(person1)  # Output: Hello, my name is Bob!
println("New age:", person1.age)  # Output: New age: 36

Why Julia’s Approach:

1. Performance and Type Stability:

  • Traditional OOP’s inheritance can introduce overhead and potential type instability.
  • Julia prioritizes performance and predictable behavior, especially for numerical computing.

2. Flexibility and Multiple Dispatch:

  • Julia’s multiple dispatch system allows functions to behave differently based on the types of all arguments, not just the object’s type.
  • This enables more flexible and adaptable code, often surpassing traditional OOP’s inheritance model.

3. Composition over Inheritance:

  • Julia encourages building complex types by combining simpler types, aligning with the concept of composition over inheritance.
  • This often leads to more modular and reusable code structures.

4. Clearer Separation of Concerns:

  • Separating data (structs) from behavior (functions) can enhance code readability and maintainability.
  • It makes data dependencies more explicit and promotes modular design.

5. Embracing Multiple Paradigms:

  • Julia embraces multiple programming paradigms, including functional and procedural elements.
  • This flexibility allows developers to choose approaches that best suit their problem domains.

Adapting to Julia’s Model:

  • While initially unfamiliar for those accustomed to traditional OOP, Julia’s approach offers significant advantages for performance, flexibility, and type safety.
  • By understanding structs, functions, multiple dispatch, and composition, developers can effectively create well-structured, performant, and maintainable code in Julia.

Encapsulation in Julia

While Julia doesn’t have strict private access modifiers like traditional OOP languages, it still encourages encapsulation through conventions and design practices. Here’s how it’s achieved:

1. Structs for Data Encapsulation:

  • Structs create custom data types that group related data fields together.
  • This bundling of data inherently promotes encapsulation.

2. Descriptive Naming for Clarity:

  • Use clear and meaningful names for struct fields to signal their intended use and discourage direct access.
  • For example, prefer person.full_name over person.name1.

3. Separate Functions for Behavior:

  • Define functions outside of structs to operate on struct instances, resembling methods.
  • This separates data from behavior, enhancing code organization and modularity.

4. Internal Modules for Private Data:

  • Group fields and functions within an internal module within a struct to create a stronger sense of privacy.
  • This signals that these elements are intended for internal use and discourages external access.


struct Person

    # Internal module for private data and functions
    module _private

        function greet(person::Person)
            println("Hello, my name is $(person.name) and I live at $(person.address)")

function create_person(name, age, address)
    person = Person(name, age)
    person._private.address = address  # Access private field within the module
    return person

person1 = create_person("Alice", 30, "123 Main St")
Person._private.greet(person1)  # Call private function using module syntax

Key Points:

  • Julia’s approach to encapsulation prioritizes code clarity and flexibility over strict access controls.
  • It relies on conventions and design practices to encourage data hiding and modularity.
  • Internal modules create a stronger sense of privacy for sensitive data and functions.
  • It’s essential to respect these conventions to maintain code organization and prevent unintended side effects.

Inheritance in Julia

While Julia doesn’t support traditional inheritance for concrete types (structs with fields), it offers mechanisms to achieve inheritance-like behavior:

1. Abstract Types as Interfaces:

  • Define abstract types to act as blueprints, specifying expected methods without concrete implementations.
  • Concrete types can subtype abstract types, ensuring they provide required methods.


abstract type Shape end

function area(shape::Shape)
    error("Abstract method area not implemented for $(typeof(shape))")

struct Rectangle <: Shape

function area(rectangle::Rectangle)
    return rectangle.width * rectangle.height

struct Circle <: Shape

function area(circle::Circle)
    return pi * circle.radius^2

2. Traits for Shared Behavior:

  • Traits are collections of methods that can be mixed into types without traditional inheritance.
  • This enables sharing behavior across unrelated types without creating a strict hierarchy.


trait Printable
    function print(obj::Printable)
        println("Printable object: $(obj)")

struct Person

Base.extend(Person, Printable)  # Mix the Printable trait into Person

person1 = Person("Alice", 30)
print(person1)  # Output: Printable object: Person("Alice", 30)


  • Julia’s approach prioritizes performance, type stability, and flexible code organization over strict inheritance hierarchies.
  • Abstract types and traits provide effective ways to create type hierarchies and share behavior without the overhead of traditional inheritance.
  • Multiple dispatch often complements these mechanisms, enabling flexible behavior adaptation based on argument types.
  • Understanding these alternatives is crucial for designing well-structured and performant code in Julia.

Abstraction in Julia

Abstraction involves focusing on essential aspects of an object or concept while hiding complex implementation details. In Julia, it’s achieved primarily through:

1. Abstract Types:

  • Definition: Abstract types act as blueprints, specifying expected behaviors without providing concrete implementations.
  • Purpose:
    • Define interfaces for related types, ensuring they share common functionality.
    • Create type hierarchies to organize code and enforce consistency.


abstract type Shape

struct Rectangle <: Shape

function area(rectangle::Rectangle)
    return rectangle.width * rectangle.height

struct Circle <: Shape

function area(circle::Circle)
    return pi * circle.radius^2

2. Traits:

  • Definition: Traits are collections of methods that can be mixed into types to share behavior without traditional inheritance.
  • Purpose:
    • Modularize code by separating behavior from type definitions.
    • Share common functionality across unrelated types, promoting code reuse.


trait Printable
    function print(obj::Printable)
        println("Printable object: $(obj)")

struct Person

Base.extend(Person, Printable)  # Mix the Printable trait into Person

person1 = Person("Alice", 30)
print(person1)  # Output: Printable object: Person("Alice", 30)

Key Points:

  • Abstraction enhances code readability, maintainability, and flexibility.
  • It promotes code reuse and reduces coupling between components.
  • Abstract types and traits are powerful tools for achieving abstraction in Julia.
  • Understanding their roles is essential for designing well-structured Julia programs.

Polymorphism in Julia:

While Julia doesn’t have traditional OOP inheritance, it achieves polymorphism through multiple dispatch:

1. Multiple Dispatch:

  • Julia’s core mechanism for selecting the appropriate function version based on the types of all arguments, not just the object’s type.
  • This enables functions to behave differently for different combinations of argument types.

2. Defining Multiple Methods:

  • Create multiple versions of a function with different signatures (combinations of argument types).
  • Julia dispatches to the correct version at runtime, ensuring the most appropriate behavior.


function greet(person::Person)
    println("Hello, $(person.name)!")

function greet(animal::Animal)
    println("Hello, furry friend!")

function greet(obj)
    println("Hello, unknown thing!")  # Catch-all for other types

person1 = Person("Alice")
animal1 = Animal("Dog")
unknown_thing = 123

greet(person1)   # Output: Hello, Alice!
greet(animal1)   # Output: Hello, furry friend!
greet(unknown_thing)  # Output: Hello, unknown thing!


  • Multiple dispatch is more flexible than traditional OOP polymorphism, as it considers all argument types, not just the receiver’s type.
  • It leads to more adaptable and expressive code, often eliminating the need for explicit type checks or conditional logic.
  • Julia’s type system and compiler optimizations make multiple dispatch efficient, even for complex scenarios.
  • Understanding multiple dispatch is crucial for writing effective and versatile Julia code.

Parametric Types

While Julia doesn’t have generics in the traditional OOP sense, it achieves similar functionality through a combination of multiple dispatch and parametric types:

1. Multiple Dispatch as the Core Mechanism:

  • Allows functions to behave differently based on the specific types of their arguments.
  • This enables a form of generic behavior without traditional generic types.

2. Parametric Types for Flexible Definitions:

  • Define functions and types that can work with a range of different types, specified by parameters.
  • This creates generic-like constructs that can adapt to various data types.


# Parametric function using multiple dispatch
function add{T}(x::T, y::T)
    return x + y

# Works for various numeric types
println(add(1, 2))   # Output: 3
println(add(3.5, 1.2))  # Output: 4.7

# Parametric type
struct Point{T}

# Works with different coordinate types
point1 = Point{Int}(3, 4)
point2 = Point{Float64}(1.5, 2.8)


  • Julia’s approach prioritizes performance and type specialization over traditional generics.
  • Multiple dispatch often eliminates the need for type erasure or boxing/unboxing, leading to faster code.
  • Parametric types provide flexibility for defining generic-like constructs.
  • Understanding multiple dispatch and parametric types is essential for writing adaptable and efficient Julia code.

Modules in Julia:

Modules offer a powerful way to structure code, encapsulate functionality, and create reusable libraries in Julia. Here’s how they effectively handle object types:

Understanding Modules:

  • Definition: Modules are namespaces that group related functions, types, and variables.
  • Purpose:
    • Organize code into logical units for better readability and maintainability.
    • Prevent naming conflicts by controlling the visibility of identifiers.
    • Create reusable libraries that can be shared across projects.

Use Cases for Object Handling:

  1. Encapsulating Object-Related Functionality:

    • Define functions that operate on specific object types within a module.
    • This keeps related code together and promotes modularity.
  2. Creating Reusable Libraries:

    • Package object-related code as a module (or a collection of modules).
    • This enables sharing and reusing functionality across different projects.
  3. Controlling Visibility:

    • Use public, private, and export to manage which names are accessible outside the module.
    • This helps protect internal implementation details and create clear interfaces.

Best Practices:

  • Clear Naming: Choose descriptive names for modules and functions to enhance code clarity.
  • Cohesive Organization: Group related functionality within modules for logical structure.
  • Meaningful Exports: Only export essential elements for external use, avoiding unnecessary complexity.
  • Docstrings: Provide clear documentation for modules, functions, and types to explain their purpose and usage.

Example Structure for Handling an Object Type:

module MyObjectLibrary

export MyObjectType, create_object, get_value, set_value

struct MyObjectType

function create_object(value)
    return MyObjectType(value)

function get_value(obj::MyObjectType)
    return obj.value

function set_value(obj::MyObjectType, new_value)
    obj.value = new_value

end  # module MyObjectLibrary

By effectively using modules, you can create well-structured, reusable, and maintainable code that effectively handles object types in Julia.

“Modern languages dance with agility, but ancient voices echo in their bones.” – Gemini AI