
Computer Science

Welcome, future software engineers! You’re about to embark on a journey through the fascinating world of software development, guided by the versatile and powerful language, Julia.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. - Albert Einstein

Course Curriculum

  • Basics
  • Basic Concepts Let’s start with fundamentals like: symbols, conventions and formulas used in computer science and programming. These are general and reusable regardless of the programming language you will use in your future career. “The principles of computer science are like the laws of physics: they are fundamental and they never change.” - Brian Kernighan, Canadian computer scientist and author.

  • Algorithms
  • Computer Algorithms Algorithms are the building blocks of the modern world. They are the instructions that computers follow to solve problems, analyze data, and make decisions. From the simple act of searching the web to the complex task of recommending products, algorithms are everywhere. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the fascinating world of algorithms today!

    • Overview
    • What are computer algorithms actually?

    • Problems
    • Explain what are problems to be solved?

    • Efficiency
    • Algorithm efficiency and performance

    • Encryption
    • Fundamental concerns of cybersecurity.

    • Traversal
    • Simple algorithms for data collections?

    • Statistics
    • Understanding the basics of statistic science?

    • Search
    • Explain what are search algorithms?

    • Sorting
    • What are sorting algorithms? and some use-cases.

  • Databases
  • What are Databases? Databases are organized vaults of information, like digital libraries, storing anything from customer lists to scientific data. They keep information tidy and accessible, using software tools to let us add, search, and analyze it, making them essential for businesses, research, and even your personal photo collection. Programmer: “Why is the data wrong?” Databases: “Don’t ask me, I don’t make it, I just store it.”

  • Interpreters
  • Interpreters Code interpreters, are like live musicians. They take your code, read it line by line, and play it on the fly. They are great for quick tests and experimentation, but oh boy, can they be slow. Like that friend who stumbles through a karaoke ballad. Two programmers are arguing: “Interpreters are the future!” one say. “Yeah, the future of slow computers!” the other says.

  • Compilers
  • Compilers Unlike interpreters, those live-band karaoke versions of code execution, compilers work their magic beforehand. They iron out wrinkles, optimize every line, and pre-package everything for lightning-fast performance. No more chugging through code like a rusty lawnmower on a rainy day. With a compiler, your program hits the stage like a seasoned pro, ready to crush those calculations. “Good developers are like musicians. They practice and refine a lot before performing on stage but they use compilers in back-stage like musicians use the studio to polish and finalize their music.

  • Web design
  • Web Design Web design is the orchestra conductor of the digital world, harmonizing the visual symphony you experience on every website. It blends aesthetics with functionality, making sure information is clear, navigation is intuitive, and the overall experience is pleasing to the eye. Remember: web design is a team effort! Great web design comes from the perfect blend of artistry and technical skills.

  • Platforms
  • Operating Systems Ready to master the hidden conductor of your devices? This course unveils the secrets of operating systems! Explore how they manage hardware, software, and you, diving into processes, memory, security, and more. Uncover the magic behind every click and keystroke, empowering you to use your devices like a pro. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s unlock the world of operating systems - join the course!

  • Productivity
  • Productivity Tools Unleash your inner tech whiz! This beginner-friendly course equips you with the essential productivity tools to conquer the tech world. Master generative programming to automate tasks, leverage descriptive languages to build efficient workflows, and unlock the power of AI prompt engineering to supercharge your creativity. Get ready to streamline your process and become a tech productivity pro! Let’s get out of tutorial hell and make money with productivity tools - join the course!

Disclaim: Content generated with AI (Bard/Gemini Pro)